
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Little Bit of Focus.

As I said in my previous post I've been here before. A new blog with lots of excitement and preparation going toward it. But, this time it's not just about one thing. I have been obsessed  lately with making cards, stamps, inks, paper....just typing those words makes me want to go create something! But, for the moment I'm going to share a few photos that I have taken.
  Photography is one of my other favorite things to do, and for a while it was all I could think about...I even started a photography blog at one point, but being self taught it is difficult for me to teach others, especially with only knowing the ins and outs of my (wonderful) camera, Ollie. (yes, I named it. It's an Olympus so Ollie seemed fitting.) When my sister-in- law hands me her camera, a Canon, I'm at a complete loss. I know the f/stop function and shutter speed functions are the same, but have no clue how to adjust them on another camera. If I was given the manual and about 50 minutes with the camera...maybe.
  But anyway, My suggestions for new camera owners or photo junkies like me? Read your camera's manual...then re-read it! Then practice, practice, practice! Find ,a very patient, someone to take a walk with and snap everything! Set your camera to Manual, try different settings, push the unknown button, get in a funny position and take a photo from an unusual angle. In other words- play!

So, without farther ado...Here are some pictures I hope you enjoy!

Mom's Apples

Practicing with my new 50mm manual lens

Beautiful painted sky from my balcony!

Best Friends vacation together!

Little flowers on the shore of Lake Erie

Camping? Raining? Rummikub!

Little nephew, big attitude!

Another nephew...missing a tooth!

Fourth of July breakfast is best while camping!

A fair goat, that seemed happy to pose for me!

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